
John MacBeath is Professor Emeritus at the University of Cambridge where he held the Chair of Educational Leadership from 2000 to 2012.
He is currently Director of Leadership for Learning: the Cambridge Network and Director of a Coursera Educational Programme for the Centre for Commonwealth Education. Until 2000 he was Director of the Quality in Education Centre at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.
As well as his interest and research on leadership he has, for the last decade, worked with schools, education authorities and national governments on school self-evaluation. Since 2001 has been consulting on the impact of self evaluation and external review in Hong Kong.In 2011 he was a member of the OECD team reviewing self evaluation and inspection in New Zealand.
He has published numerous articles, chapters and 22 books. One of his most recent books is:
MacBeath, J. Education and Schooling: Myth, Heresy and Misconception, (Routledge, 2013).
David Istance (OCDE) is a senior member of OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). He heads up its work on Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) having previously run the forerunner Schooling for Tomorrow project. His work in education has constantly sought new perspectives with a futures orientation, to encourage innovation, and to be relevant for real-world change. The first ILE strand on learning research culminated in the influential OECD report: The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice (2010), on which he was an editor and author. He was the main author of the follow-up “Innovative Learning Environments” report to be published in fall 2013, focused on inspiring cases from over 20 different countries. He has produced reports for ministers of education and he designed and wrote the overview reports Education Today: the OECD Perspective and Trends Shaping Education. David has also written extensively about lifelong learning and equity. His undergraduate and postgraduate studies were at Oxford University and he is an Honorary Visiting Professor at Cardiff University.
James Spillane is the Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Professor in Learning and Organizational Change at the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University. He is also professor of Human Development and Social Policy, professor of Learning Sciences, professor of Management and Organizations, and faculty associate at Northwestern’s Institute for Policy Research. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Hong Kong Institute of Education and holds or has held visiting professorships at the the University of London, University of Aarhus, University of Glasgow, and University of Malaya. Spillane is a reputed author and expert on distributed leadership and school improvement, topic on which he has published numerous articles, chapters and books. His most recent book is: Spillane, J. P., & Coldren, A. F., Diagnosis and design for school improvement (Teachers College Press, 2011).
Clive Dimmock is Professor of Education at the University of Glasgow and Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Leicester, UK, where he was formerly Director of the Centre for Educational Leadership and Management. More recently he was Visiting Professor at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, and at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he led a major research project for the government investigating leadership across the Singapore school system. He has been consultant to many governments including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Western Australia. Professor Dimmock has published numerous books and over a hundred journal articles on leadership and the re-designing of schools in both Anglo-American and Asian environments. His latest book is Leadership, capacity building and school improvement (Routledge, 2012). He lives in Cambridge, UK and can be contacted at
Louise Stoll’s research and development activity in the UK and internationally focuses on how schools and local and national systems create capacity for learning and improvement, with particular emphasis on leadership, professional learning communities and learning networks. She is part-time Professor at the London Centre for Leadership in Learning, Institute of Education, University of London and freelance researcher and consultant; she is an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, a former President of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and School Improvement (ICSEI) and OECD expert on several of its initiatives, including co-designing The Toolkit as an outcome of the Improving School Leadership initiative (OECD, 2010). Author and editor of many publications, her most recent book is: Stoll, L. and Seashore Louis, K. (eds.), Professional Learning Communities: Divergence, Depth and Dilemmas (Open University Press/McGraw-Hill, 2007).
Roser Salavert is a member of the Graduate School of Education at Fordham University and a former Schools Superintendent (2003-10, New York City Department of Education). Dr. Salavert is particularly interested in leadership and assessment issues, which are key to improving students’ literacy outcomes and the success of high need schools. Dr. Salavert is also an educational consultant; she is closely involved as an advisor in Catalonia, Spain, and collaborates with OECD and the Bofill Foundation in the Leadership for Learning project. Her previous positions include Publisher for Spanish & English as Second Language Division, Scholastic Inc. Program Supervisor, Massachusetts State Department of Education; teacher and school psychologist. Roser Salavert holds a doctoral degree in Leadership and Educational Technology from UMass, Amherst (1988), a School Psychologist Post-Graduate certificate (R.I. College, 1982), a Masters in Psycholinguistics and a Teacher’s Education degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
Valerie Hannon is a Board Director of the Innovation Unit, London, UK, which works internationally to promote innovation in the public services; She is a founding member of the Global Education Leaders Program within which she is the supporting consultant to Finland and a number of US States. She has worked on a number of programs on innovation in learning designs, and most recently launched Learning Frontiers in Australia. She is a regular contributor to events and in programs across the world, working in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Europe. In 2012 she published Learning A Living: Radical Innovation in Education for Work (Bloomsbury) and co-authored Redesigning Education: shaping learning systems around the globe (Booktrope 2013). She is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative and a consultant to the World Innovation Summit on education (WISE).
Anthony Mackay is CEO, Centre for Strategic Education (CSE) Melbourne; Chair, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL); and Deputy Chair, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Anthony is Chair of the Innovation Unit Ltd, UK, and Co-Chair of the Global Education Leaders Program (GELP). Anthony is a Consultant Advisor to OECD/CERI; Moderator of the Annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP); and Moderator of Key Sessions at the Annual World Innovation Summit on Education (WISE). Anthony is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Center on International Education Benchmarking, NCEE, Washington DC.
Màrius Martínez Muñoz Ph.D. Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – Faculty of Education. He is the former Dean of the Faculty of Education. He has been a member of the School Council of Catalonia. He is a Researcher at the Fòrum IDEA – UAB on Learning Communities and acts as a Consultant and Trainer for the Department of Education, Department of Justice – Generalitat de Catalunya and for the Diputació de Barcelona were he has driven projects on School to work transition networks. He is Consultant to Chilean Universities on Compentencies-based curricula. He teaches on the degree programmes on Pedagogy, Social Education and on the Secondary Ed.teacher training; Adult Education Master’s degrees .He has published reports and articles about learning communities and vocational guidance. His latest research focused on Transitions from primary to secondary education (Instituts Escola) for the Department of Education (Effectiveness and impact of the ITACA Campus for the Institut de Ciències de l’Educació – UAB; Eficacy of LIMITS (parental training Programme) for the Department of Justice (Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada) and Vocational and Educational Guidance in Catalonia (Fundació Jaume Bofill – Institut de Ciències de l’Educació – UAB).
Joan Badia i Pujol is Professor of Catalan’s Language and Literature at secondary education and currently works as a teacher and professor after a long career in management in the public administration of Catalonia, specialising in the fields of innovation and educational management, teacher training, and academic planning in higher education. As a university professor he teaches at the Universitat de Vic, Open Univerisy of Catalonia, and Fundació Universitària del Bages. Has promoted learning based on reflective practice and currently participates as co-founder and active member of the practicareflexiva.pro platform which promotes professional approaches to teacher training (initial and ongoing). He has held positions of political leadership at the Department of Education of the Catalan Administration: Deputy Director for Lifelong Learning and Educational Resources (2004-2006), CEO of Innovation (2006-2009) and Deputy Director of Academic Planning and The European Higher Education Area (2009-2010). He coordinates, together with Màrius Martínez, the team of experts of the Catalan ILE project (Jaume Bofill Foundation).

Àngel Castineira Director of the Chair in LeadershipS and Democratic Governance, ESADE-Ramon Llull University (since 2006)
Director of the Department of Social Sciences at ESADE-Ramon Llull University (2005-2013)
Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at ESADE-Ramon Llull University (since 1993)
Director of the Values Observatory, Fundació Lluís Carulla, (since 2007)

Joaquín Gairín Sallán Primary teacher, labour relations expert, psychologist and pedagogue, he is currently Professor of Didactics and of Didactics and Educational Management at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He has wide-ranging teaching and institutional experience, having been head of an educational centre, faculty dean, university department head and head of the UAB’s Institute of Education (ICE). As an international consultant he is taking part in educational reform programmes in Spain and Latin America. Currently, he is leading projects on social and educational development, organisational development, educational change processes, leadership, evaluation of programmes and institutions, ICT in training and impact evaluation.

Other participants at the Conference are:

  • Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser
    Vancouver Island University, British Columbia, Canada
  • Lone Lønne Christiansen and Per Tronsmo
    Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Norway
  • Susanne Owen
    Department for Education and Child Development (DECD), Policy and Communications Directorate, South Australia
  • Dorit Tubin
    Department of Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
  • Tanja Westfall-Greiter
    University of Innsbruck, Austria
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Organized by Fundació Jaume Bofill Organized by OCDE

With the institutional support of

Generalitat de Catalunya

With the collaboration of

Obra Social La Caixa

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