ILE CAT Project Videos

Anna Jolonch: How do the OECD and the Jaume Bofill Foundation collaborate?


David Istance: What is the ILE project about?


Mariana Martínez: The Innovative Learning Environments’ cases


Louise Stoll: How could professional communities build capacity for learning leadership?


Joan Badia: What is the position of research on educational leadership in Catalonia?


Roser Salavert: How do innovative learning programmes change learning outcomes?


John McBeath: What is the leader’s role in complex learning environments?


Clive Dimmock: What is the future of schooling and how should this shape our understanding of leadership?


Simon Breakspear: How do the innovative learning environments get created? Do they follow a bottom-up or a top-down process?


Màrius Martínez: What are the goals of the ILE project in Catalonia?


David Istance: Conclusions of the 1st International Seminar on Learning Leadership


Roser Salavert: How do innovative learning programmes change learning outcomes?


Màrius Martínez: What are the goals of the ILE project in Catalonia?


Mariana Martínez: The Innovative Learning Environments’ cases


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Organized by Fundació Jaume Bofill Organized by OCDE

With the institutional support of

Generalitat de Catalunya

With the collaboration of

Obra Social La Caixa

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