Congress Videos
All speakers interviews (english version)
Conference conclusions (catalan version)
Conference conclusions (versió en anglès)
“Learning leadership presentation and international launch of the OECD report”, by David Istance (catalan version)
“Learning leadership presentation and international launch of the OECD report”, by David Istance (english version)
Conference: “Keynote: Leadership for system transformation“, by Valerie Hannon
Conference: “Keynote: Distributed leadership“, by James Spillane (catalan version)
Conference: “Keynote: Distributed leadership“, by James Spillane (english version)
Conference: “Learning professional communities: change and sustainable improvement” 1, by Roser Salavert (catalan version)
Conference: “Learning professional communities: change and sustainable improvement” 2, by Roser Salavert (catalan version)
Conference: “The sources of social leadership: qualities and skills and common values”, by Àngel Castiñeira (catalan version)
Conference: “Leadership and management: managing the school workforce“, by Joaquín Gairín (catalan version)